Unlocking the Potential of Remote Care
A visit to the doctor’s office should be the exception, not the rule.

At Hale, we believe that a visit to the doctor’s office should be the exception, not the rule.

That’s because the majority of medical encounters can be handled without the need for an in-person visit. There’s substantial opportunity to create efficiencies in how patients receive the care they need, when they need it — across primary care, chronic disease management, and specialty care.

A new generation of tools that more easily connect patients to their doctors will help usher in a radical change to the way healthcare is delivered. Healthcare can and should be more accessible, efficient, and effective for everyone.

At Hale, success means building great products that both patients and providers love to use — and that are designed to truly impact costs and outcomes at the system level.

As such, we’re committed to these five principles:

1. Patient-Centric

It’s time to put the patient at the center of the experience and give them control over their health.

2. Mobile-First

By leveraging new opportunities in communication and data collection, we’re meeting the needs of patients in ways that were inconceivable even a few years ago.

3. Design-Led

We can only capture the benefits of remote care if patients and providers are actively using new platforms. Adoption and engagement require beautifully-designed experiences that delight users just as much as they support clinical best practice.

4. Continuous

Improved outcomes and sustained cost savings cannot be achieved through a series of disconnected, indiscriminate encounters. Hale is committed to unlocking the benefits of integrated, continuous care.

5. Intelligent

Transitioning medical encounters to a new medium will only get us so far. New tools must learn and adapt, bringing a level of intelligence and automation that allows both patient and provider to focus on what’s most important.

We’re looking forward to a future of accessible, efficient, and effective care for everyone.